Bollywood Movies - Hindi Movie Songs, Videos and Updates Blog

Govida going weight-less 0

Govida going weight-less

The news is very different around the corners. For his movie, Do knot Disturb, Govinda loses nothing more but 28 kilograms. One strange thing comes out that after losing 28 kgs.

Mugdha should get a variety of films 0

Mugdha should get a variety of films

Everyone is alert of his/her own image but film actors are found much more sensitive in this matter. They always try to make their image good and character intact and when they succeed in...

Dill Mill Gayye New Story 36

Dill Mill Gayye New Story

Dill Mill Gayye season 1 was a great hit, with Armaan and Ridhima chemistry and romance. Now, Dill Mill Gaye is back and better. In Star One’s new Dill Mill Gayye Expect more medical...

Wake up Sid Review 2

Wake up Sid Review

India, getting younger by the day and containing majority percent of youth is well reflected slowly in our parliament and now in our cinemas. As the all-English title suggests, Wake up Sid is coming...